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Monday, April 23, 2012

One on One: Kahlil Dukes

Kahlil Dukes, a point guard, is one of the top players in the state of Connecticut.

Good-Win! Sports Blog- Hey Kahlil, thanks for taking some time to talk with us. Tell us about yourself.
Kahlil Dukes-
• Born May 17, 1995
•Born and raised in Hartford, CT
•Junior (16 years old)
•Goes to Capital Prep (Hartford, CT)
•Been playing basketball since I was born
•I made my first basket on regulation at the age of 3
•I'm a workaholic
•I love representing myself and where •I come from
•Love to win, hate to lose
•Motivated by success and everything that comes with it
•Kris Dunn is my big brother and biggest admiration
•Huge faith and belief in God
•2-Time All-Stater
•Just your abnormal teenager:
Music, sleep, workout, chill, rest, and do it all over again
•Oh and I write poetry don't forget that!

G-W!SB- Wow. That's a lot. Its cool to know your not just one-dimensional. What separates you from the rest of the 2013 class?
KD- I just push myself mentally; spend a lot of time alone, thinking, sleeping, seeing myself succeed, seeing the hardwork pay off, seeing where all the training can and will take me, listening to guys who have done it like Kris Dunn, and just disciplining myself to get into the gym everyday no matter what happens throughout the course of the day. If my body is tired or if I for some strange reason can't get the gym, I watch film and learn something to improve my IQ so that I don't make the same mistakes again and make more of the good decisions as my game progresses. And honestly, I just want it. Some say they do, but I've proved it.

G-W!SB- You sound like you want it a lot. Which schools know you want it and want you in return?
•Sacred Heart
•Robert Morris
•Saint Peters
•Saint Bonaventure
•Stony Brook
•Northeastern (just interest)
To name a few

G-W!SB- Congrats on the USC offer. Are there other ways you can tell your hard work is paying off? (and ok I gotcha)
KD- Thank you!
And yeah those top players or players who are above me were showing me love. Usually when you play well against the best competition in the country, they're too into themselves to respect a player who has worked just as hard as them or works hard like them to get where they are or become how good they really seem to be. And I got that love, not just from coaches, but from the players I've never been mentioned in the same sentence with before.

G-W!SB- How does it feel to watch yourself elevate because of your own hard work?
KD- Unexplainable, you spend months and months training to become someone who is talked about and admired for his talents and you wonder where it'll take you, I've found out exactly where hard work leads. When you dedicate your life to something, you expect something in return. I guess you could say, this is the return.

G-W!SB- Which schools have impressed you the most do far?
KD- Definitely USC because they pulled the trigger with me. A lot of high majors wait for you to be this ranked player, hype player, sky's the limit potential, 7'0 footer, but they came to see another player from California play and I happen to be playing against him, I performed, and they ended up offering me so that really impressed me that they pulled the trigger so fast, made me feel like they really wanted me and saw high major to professional potential in me.
But other than that, Vermont has been all over me, from my school to other states, they've shown the most interest and have contacted me the most so they've impressed me as well. However, I'm still open and waiting my options.

G-W!SB- Ok man, thanks for talking to us! Can't wait to talk again if that's cool with you!
KD- No problem, anytime!

Thanks to Kahlil for his time! We look forward to keeping up with him this next year!

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